martes, 13 de noviembre de 2007


Science and Technology by Luis Paulino Viquez Duran.
Nowadays science and tecghnology cover our life in diferent areas.For this reason I try mention the more common uses of technology.Day by day the new application in technology and science around our life.In first pleace the communication among people are more easy.This with supplies such as:televition, cellphone, iphone, laptop, desktop and the internet that is a kind of unlimited key of knowledge.exist different areas of technology influence .For instance is interesting how technology increase the knowledge in education.Also the opportunity of find information is access it.Because technology reach any aspect of our education system.Other thing so important is how the medicine helping our needs.Medicine supplies like: vaccine, drug, operation, artificial organ and treatment give us more lige time.For this reason almost whatewer illness, didn't affect the human being.Is important that electrical equipment in our home make easier the style life of people.Finally is you like use technology remember save energy for keep a good relationship with environment.

1 comentario:

Marisol M. dijo...

Hi! LUIS I think nowadays is very important the technology because we can progress in our carreer,jobs. thanks to technology we have better services in many institutions as hospitals,universities,schools,etc.